Sunday, January 1, 2017

Free business plan template excel

Otherwise, ensure that (when the coins are placed flat on the table) each team somehow differentiates their coins from the other teams. Ask people to imagine they are 18 years old and have just received a great set of exam results that gives them a free choice to study for a degree or qualification at any university or college, anywhere in the world. Dropping the orange incurs a two-person-stage penalty (move it back two people in the chain). Where people should draw and present their artwork attempts - and how large and how long is permitted for the effort - is all flexible and at the discretion of the facilitator. Achieving aims, goals and changes is like building houses - they need to be understood and assembled bit by bit - like bricks in a wall. N. B. Throwing snowballs can be harmful to your team-mates' health and to the managing director's office windows. Introduce more fun or additional technical aspects by issuing amusing or obscure or very specific reading material. The term 'pseudo-scientific' rightly applies to most concepts linked with positive behaviour, because they cannot be measured and substantiated in conventional scientific ways. Importantly, not having extensive case-study details encourages people to focus on helpful facilitative questioning and listening, and on clear expression and presentation, all of which is central to successful one-to-one communications. You can change the scale targets (in scale or metric/imperial) according to your situation. Focus especially on the differences in expectations between mutually depending groups. The diversity quiz exercise seeks to enable people to increase what others know about each other, which is at the root of inclusiveness and making the most of diversity. The game may be played just once as a quick activity or ice-breaker, or in several rounds, optionally enabling the group/teams to review and refine their coding systems, at the discretion of the facilitator. Here are some simple quick questions to prompt thought and discussion about that notion. Why do we see the same people in different ways? There are good reasons however for taking a more modern rounded collaborative view of people and organizations that operate in our personal or business space or field or market. Jackpot lotto samstag in german The purpose of the exercise is to ensure that each person of the team ask some questions and gives some answers about themselves and all other team members, and so gets to know each other better. This is vitally important in understanding ourselves, others, and the way that human systems operate, in which subjective views are commonly more dominant than objective facts, figures and evidence. The exercise will take 5-10 minutes plus whatever review your think is appropriate for your situation. Of course the development of these ideas could also be team exercises in their own right. Half return to room and try to match logos to people.

Involve the group in this if you wish (but avoid being distracted by other discussions about the selection, unless you welcome such discussion). You can devise your own situations besides these to suit your purposes. Johari Window activities address a particularly useful aspect of change, i.e, self-awareness and exposure to other people's impressions of self. Staff will be positive if the tone is right. In each case state the scenario to the group, and then role-play or ask for closed questions by which the group must gather all the facts or solve the puzzle. You can use this activity in various ways, to demonstrate or emphasise patience, discovery, positive thinking, questioning assumptions, breaking barriers, stress avoidance; and for team contests. Split into pairs, threes, or work teams and review as appropriate, or run the activity as a quick ice-breaker. Here is an alternative solution (thanks E Roddick and one of his workgroups in San Gabriel Valley, US). Issue one situation for the whole group, or allocate a different situation to each team member or pair/team to work on. See the guidelines and tips for planning and running team building activities and the free tips on running team building workshops. Introduce variations to suit your situation. Give a time limit for the task - anything between a minute and five minutes will be okay. A useful reference model for this activity is the Johari Window. Management and relationships, in work and outside of work too, depend heavily on our being able to understand the other person's view, and what causes it to be different to our own. State clear rules for the use of phones. Writers. The ideas are meant to be fun, underpinned by some useful questions and learning. People engage relatively little, with the event, and with each other. Optionally ask teams to guess the meaning of other teams logos, before the explanations. Often alcohol is appropriate. Business financial plan template excel software: Business Plan Guide and Platforms: Homepage: Merely seek to explain/reinforce the need for basic structure and sequence and the relationship between cause and effect. This simple exercise is a quick icebreaker, or can be extended into something more meaningful. Note: To make the exercise more dynamic and forward-looking you can encourage people to consider especially life highlights which can be repeated or extended in some way. The demonstration is clearest if first people pour the drink and take a few sips indoors, and then walk outside, so as to compare the indoor and outdoor taste. Position a waste bin or basket on the floor or on a table centrally between the delegates. The effect also works with cold drinks. Play in pairs. In fact the ampersand appears in a wide variety of wonderful designs; it has provided designers through the centuries with more scope for artistic interpretation than any other character. The remarkable 12 June 2008 David Davis resignation speech provides a wonderful unfolding case study for all sorts of teaching and training areas. The activity offers lots of flexibility for adaptation to suit your particular circumstances and development aims. Conceptualise new product/service/business. This requires more care in larger teams. Take it away and refine it as necessary. Optional equipment - dictionary and thesaurus.

Free business plan template excel

The purpose of the exercise is to encourage and enable people to think creatively and imaginatively about their direction and potential. You can also get the group involved in thinking of suitable characters or situations they'd like to incorporate into their role-plays, for whatever work skills you are teaching or seeking to demonstrate. This exercise seeks to enable clearer understanding of positive behaviour and positive thinking, extending to the notion that positive behaviour produces positive effect or reward for the person (or group) acting positively. Egg Game - for outside (or indoors if you live in a mansion with a banqueting hall at least fifty feet long). The descriptions must be very concise and ideally according to a personality theory that the delegates all know (or which can be explained to the group quickly and easily). See the Career/New Business Planner page for the full process and detailed template. To achieve a competitive balance each team should be able both to offer an adviser and to benefit from the help of an advisor from another team. Group tasting and voting as appropriate. Positive behaviour of one person is sometimes immediately rewarded or acknowledged by others, but often the effects are not immediate. To speed up the game and/or create a quick icebreaker exercise, split the group into pairs, issue three coins per person, and change the rules so that all coins must be shoved in no order (a free-for-all basically) and the game completed within 30 seconds. Imagine you are responsible establishing a professional qualification or NVQ for a politician. Fold the slips of paper and put it into a cup or glass in the centre of the table, to enable 'blind' selection. Questioning is powerful and helpful when prepared well, but wastes everyone's time and creates problems when it is not. The game can also be played outside provided there is no strong wind. Split larger groups into teams and adapt presentations and reviews accordingly. You may of course direct group members to any management/motivational theories or models that fit your purposes. The activity can be used as a bigger group problem-solving and team-working task. This flexible activity is based on using coins to create a 'picture' or diagram of an organizational system or structure which is relevant to the group's work or learning. Fantisticat is an interesting way to look at fresh starts and the New Year, especially for young people or those facing or desiring change. It's for young people as well as grown-ups, and encompasses many of the 'multiple intelligences' - potentially connecting bodily/artistic/musical with logical/language/interpersonal capabilities. Could you patent a sandwich? Team building games are just a part of a very wide mix of learning and and development experiences that you can explore and facilitate for your people - try anything. It can be helpful for people facing decisions about new work or business direction, especially to encourage thinking outside of habits and conditioning, at any stage of a person's working life. The facilitator must be able to demonstrate this, and allow some practice for the teams to get used to the method and speed of the table, and for the teams to decide who in the team will do the shoving. It takes a minute to explain and set up, and as little as a minute to play. Consider product/service, price, promotion, place, uniqueness and differentiation, distribution, plenty of photo-opportunities for Richus Bransos to dress up as a banana or a silly girl. This relates to risks of making assumptions, and the merits/risks/surprises associated with guessing, short-cuts, working from habit/instinct, etc. The money slang and history page offers some entertaining facts and trivia on the subject. The exercises involve simple guessing, but provide a basis for understanding more about how reliably (or unreliably) our brains can estimate scale, etc, without measuring tools or precise references. Split the group into teams or pairs or individuals as appropriate for your situation. If the main aim is instead to get people working creatively together (for instance young people in school, or a creative workshop session) then the choice of structure is not significant, aside from something that the group will find interesting, and the facilitator can allow the group to choose a structure for their 'moneygram'. Communications skills are placed under greater pressure when the voice is the only medium, which obviously tends to develop people's listening abilities. What does their own tree swing look like, and what tree swing do they expect of others? Many more activities on this page below can be used or adapted to give a seasonal twist. It's up to the group to establish the sub-group sections, which many people will find very challenging - they have to create the structure from nothing and then fit themselves into it. If appropriate first brainstorm and/or discuss and agree/explain what diversity means. Split large groups into teams of six to ten people. The tasks and different methods above a just a few examples. The exercise should confirm how positively we each respond to positive behaviour (and negatively to negative behaviour). The game can be used to make introductions a little more interesting than usual, or as a separate ice-breaker activity. Decide rules, timing, presentation, discussion, review, etc, to fit your situation. Take a few bags of marbles into the session. Encouraging and enabling chatting between team members improves telephone communications skills since it involves using the telephone to develop understanding, mutual awareness, empathy and relationships between people. The winners of each category can choose their prize from the pool. Here is a suggested description. Discuss the examples. Knowledge we can learn by observation and other sensory input. There are lots of quizzes in the quizballs section, including many with interesting varied content that would suit this exercise. With increased complexity the activity becomes increasingly suitable for teams and allowing a strategic planning stage. Optionally the questions can be devised before the readings, which makes the listening challenge easier since there is no interruption or distraction between the readings and the questions. As with any exercise much of the value comes from reviewing and discussing the issues arising from the learning experience, and where relevant encouraging people to determine their own preferred reactions. Creating or compiling case-studies, character profiles, and scenarios for role-play training exercises can be time-consuming and difficult for trainers. Cooking a breakfast is merely an example; see other examples below. We think differently and therefore see things differently. Most offices have a big space somewhere which can be quickly reorganized to produce a good-sized area for setting up a buffet and eating. After the share-out all the children have a sweet but one sweet remains in the bag. Write my essay. Essentially the exercise weighs the pros and cons of each factor from the perspective of competitor and partner. The subjects on this website increasingly feature ideas for developing the whole person. In more detail. For groups of six to thirty people. As with the food, you can keep things very simple if you give the event a theme, and make the drinks fit the theme. Business Plan for an Established Business; Finance Templates. tips and tools for creating or updating your business plan are be covered in this webinar presented Large groups can be spilt into teams (of 3-6 people). The truth is the better team members know each other the better the team performs. For older people emphasise that they can keep all the benefit of all their accumulated knowledge and experience. Obviously this is more appropriate for commercial competitor situations. First review the personality theories section. Ask the group to take a few seconds to think (silently and individually) of someone they know who is successful in business. Try not to get into trouble with the local authority. Etc, etc. The winners are the last with their egg intact. Add other lines as appropriate. Issue it to the teams (or pairs, or individuals, etc). The activity will prompt the use of visioning and imagination, and the consideration of big system changes, consequences, causes and effects.

It can be shortened to a two-minute icebreaker, simply to agree the 6-10 roles, or expanded to incorporate all sorts of issues and reference models and tools, depending on the development aims and needs of the delegates. Arrange presentation, discussion, review, etc, to fit your situation. Revisit all the construction exercises you know and consider how they might work with papier mache. Pies, pasties, soup in the basket?. Your task is to identify a product or service or a proposition of some sort - anything from a chocolate bar to a whole country - which can be rebranded and relaunched for the Christmas season (or any other season as appropriate) to generate bucketloads of wonga for the Bransos Empire and its shareholders. The important thing is for people to visualise and consider what they would do if they have a free choice. Please send me quizzes created using the above exercise to share with others, or post them onto the Businessballs free publishing Space. Team guessing enables additional exploration, for example linkage to ideas about the 'Wisdom of Crowds', and also benefits/disadvantages of working in isolation versus working in cooperation, especially where intuitive or subjective judgment is required. Upside-down Drinking Game - not recommended after a heavy meal or drinking session. Ask group members to create their own version of the Psychological Contract 'Iceberg' diagram - individually, in pairs or teams, and review/discuss as appropriate for your situation. Empathy for other people's feelings is therefore crucial in managing change affecting other people. The technique entails cutting or tearing the red line first, and then the blue. Free tutorials. Charades - easy, amusing, popular party game. Customer services and despatch expression, especially appropriate approaching department close-down for weekends, holidays, Christmas, etc, and a personal reminder not to leave things until the last moment. Many other views of personality and differences in people can be explored via Personality Models and Theory. For the effective running of the quiz, questions must be clear and easy to understand, and have clear short answers - facts, figures, etc, not subjective personal opinions that might be subject to wide interpretation.

At its simplest the exercise is a two-minute icebreaker. For groups of four to ten people. N. B. This exercise does not suggest that we can or should use merely one question to identify solutions for anything, especially crucial partnerships. It's always good to provide jugs of water anyway. Maybe ask each department to create its own 'restaurant' or buffet theme. Your responsibility is to suggest design, size, shape, material, monetary values, and any other innovative ideas for a new system of coins and banknotes. This interesting feat of manual dexterity and myth-busting provides the basis for an enjoyable and fascinating group exercise. You cannot expect anyone to map out the global commodities market or the future of the world wide web in a five minute icebreaker with a pocketful of change. If using the exercise as a quick icebreaker, or if time is tight, especially if group is large, think carefully about how many measuring exercises to include. Email me suggestions and I'll publish the best ones on this page. Nature versus Nurture' (genes v upbringing) is often an interesting perspective when considering what makes us the way that we are. The activity is more dynamic if played in competitive teams, minimum three players per team, ideally 5-10 per team. If in doubt, make some newspaper towers instead. Team members are responsible for researching and preparing the following aspects for their presentation. Select a personality theory which suits the group's needs/interests. Another visit to the supermarket, or task the delegates to go shopping at lunch-time for the cereals (according to whatever rules you state) and report back on their service and marketing experiences and observations. Coursework. Understandable response from overworked despatch departments and customer services staff when attempting to explain quite reasonably that it's not possible to process urgent last-minute orders received at lunchtime on the day before holiday shut-down. If you could ask just one question to discover a person's/provider's suitability for.... Group members do not need to reveal their chosen order, but may do so if happy to in the subsequent discussion. The Psychological Contract is increasingly significant in organizational management and development. Find some space and make it work. The task for the group - individually, or in pairs or teams or as a whole (depending on your situation and aims) - is to write some instructions as to how to tie a shoelace. SHOT IT - Should Have Ordered This In Time. Free excel template, business plan templates and financial accounting statements that are free downloads. Simply insert the numbers in the excel templates to Whatever, split the group into the teams you'd like to work together. Instruction: The winner is the player/team who rolls or throws their ball(s) to stop nearest the 'jack' (a smaller ball, suitably different, rolled by the facilitator or a contestant to the far end of the playing area). Retail Visioning - You sit on the advisory panel in the service of Argos, Asdos, Morros, Sainsbos, Tescos, and Waitros, the six musketeer gods of retailing, who have been assembled by Zeus and tasked to redefine the developed world's retail distribution model for the year 2020. Zeus has raised the matter of the Christmas tree in the foyer and the 'Secret Santa' planned for next Friday lunchtime. Attach timescales and resources as necessary. There are many more activities on this website which address change from more of a mental perspective instead of the physical examples above. Equipment: Some daily national or local newspapers. Also NLP and Transactional Analysis are useful models to help understand how it is possible to change our attitudes. The task is to produce a simple project plan for making a cooked breakfast.

Collaborate for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. Save documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online, in OneDrive. This domain is available, please submit inquiries via the form below: The aim is to find points of mutual support and compensation. If running an open shared exercise ensure anyone subject to the analysis is present and agreeable, and ideally participating constructing their own grid featuring another member of the team. Draw lots to allocate a season to each team: Spring, Summer, Autumn (Fall), Winter. Your task, should you decide to accept it, is to devise a product relaunch plan for the brussel sprout, including whatever you think would elevate the vegetable to its rightful place as king/queen of all vegetables. The tendency is for the stick to rise, hence the name of the exercise, because the collective force used to keep fingers in contact with the stick is greater than the gravitational force (weight) of the stick. At least one team member needs a string connected to the bottom of the tube to enable the tipping. It's also a lot more fun role-playing larger-than-life iconic characters than using detailed (and for many, boring) management case-studies. Is there a gender thing? Come here! This format has different tactical implications. Free business forms to use in your small business. Business Plan Template. Profit and Loss Statement Excel Template The tool can of course also be used as a private personal reflective instrument, in which case the findings are to be kept private and personal. If not is it always okay?. In conjunction with the new collection of Businessballs tree swing cartoons, ask your people to draw tree swings to illustrate their own particular departmental culture/issues/challenges/priorities/relationships. See the acronym CRITWATNF (Currently Residing In The Where Are They Now File). No equipment or preparation is required. This exercise can also be adapted to provide a more modern and meaningful interpretation of the desert island or plane crash stranded survival exercise, which essentially encourages group members to identify resources and to formulate a plan of action. Home-based staff and remote teams miss out on the valuable social contact normally available to office-based teams. Send your own ideas, and I'll add them here. It is not to be presented or used as a scientific assessment of personality or attitude, and certainly not as an assessment of good or poor skills or temperament. Save time if needs be by highlighting suggested articles in the newspapers. Discuss the influences of emotions, peer pressure, zietgeist, the media, daft unquestioning management, personal mood, etc, on relationships, strategy, decisions, work, life, etc. Equate the second ball to an additional task, or a typical work complication, like a holiday, or an extra customer requirement. Tell the group that they do not need to name the person they are thinking of. The activity format can be varied too, for example breaking the questioning and answering into two different sections, so that teams have a chance to work on their answers, which adds the extra difficulty of noting or remembering the questions properly too. Team building games - are the exercises or games appropriate? Consider how, where, what, when and why consumers will be buying, and from whom. The activity may be used as an icebreaker or larger discussion exercise, for groups of any size and age/seniority, subject to appropriate facilitation for your situation.
Logistics, facilitation and especially how you split the group into the numbers of team members per team are factors which have a big effect on how the exercises work and the experience for all. It's based on a simple drawing game we have all played as children. Again seek help and involvement from staff members with experience and skills in making and providing drinks for large groups. You will uncover more examples related to your own situation which will arise from this powerful yet simple little exercise. You should clarify what 'ten-times bigger, according to length and width dimension' actually means, or different interpretations of this could spoil the result (which is a lesson in itself about consistency of planning and communications, etc). Ask the person next to you: "Tell me something important about you that I don't know." Again you will be surprised. Here's one on my kitchen table. If helpful, brainstorm a long list of typical requirements beforehand.) Similar exercises are possible using other sale/hire/services scenarios, e.g, cars, houses, party/wedding venues, coaching, clubs, etc. Click here. Introduction/scene-setting: The beginning of a new year prompts many of us to consider new aims and plans, or to renew a commitment towards a change or improvement of some sort. Making the most of diversity in staff and other people - often called inclusiveness - increases the depth and range of behaviours and capabilities (also skills, knowledge and styles) that the organization can call upon in meeting the needs of the increasingly diverse market place. The aim is to throw and catch the ball (each ball represents a work task/objective) between team members - any order or direction. For this reason use a stick for the exercise that is light enough for this effect to occur, given the number of people in the team. Beyond September/October you might have some left over in drawers that the kids aren't interested in any more. contains information for beginners and intermediate collectors about World Currency, Banknotes and Notaphily. We also offer good pricing on See Quizballs 29 - twenty questions and answers for parties and team games.

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